Ola Ajayi
posted this on Aug-30 2010 13:36
If you want to have the latest stable version of Syncables Desktop or Syncables 360, you don't have to do anything! Whenever you launch the Syncables applications, they automatically check and notify you if new updates are available.
I am interested in upgrading my Syncables 360 v6 premium to v7 but when I
click the link via the mail, I get to the site which displays :
Retail price: $49.99
You Save: $20.00
Your Price: $29.99
After I click the checkout button I am taken to your online store and it
displays the price in Indian rupees as INR 2,393.60
However if I go directly to your site ( without clicking on the email link
and checkout as normal with the regular non upgrade route ( with the 20%
discount ) the price reflected is INR 1,914.79/-
Why is the upgrade costing me more when as per your mail It should be 29.99$
which translates to 1,353.00 INR and not 2,393.60 INR when I checkout via
the email link ?
I have the same problem. The offer price is $29.99 but when I click the offer "buy now" link from my email it shows $49.99 and requests a coupon code. When I write to it bounces back saying the email address doesn't exist. I have tried from IE and from Chrome on two different computers from both offer emails.